Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ranger's Apprentice Book One A3

Name: Tucker Hardy
Class Period: A3
Book Title: Ranger's Apprentice Book One: The Ruins of Gorlan
Author: John Flanagan
Pages: 249
Rating: ****

Recommendation: If you like knights, assassins, and monsters, then this book is for you! This is a fantasy tale with a good amount of action and some imaginative characters. It has a little bit of everything to get the interest of many, mostly directed towards teens.

Summary: This is a story about a boy named Will. He was abandoned on the door step of the Ward (an orphanage for kids who's parents were killed in war). Growing up he made a few friends and met a bully from his same age group. They all awaited the highly anticipated the "Choosing Day" that happens when they turn 15. On this day they would get chosen by Craftmasters to become apprentices of that certain craft, like cooks, scribes, diplomats, and warriors. Will wasn't tall enough or strong enough for Battleschool and the rest weren't his strong points either. He was a good climber and he had a natural ability to go unseen by people, this caught the interest of man named Halt. Halt is a Ranger and he saw potential in this boy, so he made Will his apprentice. Will goes through special training in archery, animal tracking, knifes, and being able blend into his surroundings. He then uses these skills and the help of Halt to take down a ancient threat that has been killing off important people.

Explanation of Rating: This book gets you captured Will's life. It shows the many special bonds that people create with their friends, their mentors (which become like parents to these kids), and even the bond between humans and their animals. It's really fun to read how these relationships grow and develop and how unique each is. It has many emotions throughout it. It has a good balance of humor throughout to make it feel real. John Flanagan has a great imagination when it comes to the action parts, they are intense and interesting. Teens and adults can both enjoy this fantasy greatly!

Favorite passage: "Can you cook boy?"
"Cook sir?" Will asked uncertainly. Halt raised his eyes to some unseen superior being.
"Why do young people invariably answer a question with another question?"... -Chapter 8

This is my favorite passage because it starts to show Halt's funny, sarcastic, side. And it's actually really true, young people do answer questions with questions!

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