Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Persuasion A4

Taylor Bradford
Jane Austin

Recommendation: This book is perfect for any classic novel fan, or just anyone who loves a good romance. This is a charming novel about love, heart break, and social triumphs in England during the 1800's. The language is difficult to understand in parts, but far from impossible for a committed reader.

Summary: Anne Elliot is the middle daughter of prominent social figure Sir Walter Elliot, a proud vain Widower who is an over zealous spender. When he outspends the family's means they are forced to rent out the family estate and move to a more meager style of life in Bath. The new tenants of the family estate just happen to be relatives to the man Anne is in love with, Captain Wentworth. They were engaged eight years previous, but it was broken off when Lady Russel, a close family friend persuaded Anne that it would be a bad social match. With Captain Wentworth back in town, a much richer man than he had been eight years earlier, as well as having a possible engagement to another girl looming on the horizon,Anne has to deal with some complex emotions.

Explanation of rating: I gave this book 4 stars. It was a really fun read, it was funny and touching. I really liked this book, it shows so much human emotion, something that Jane Austin seems to understand very well. Mostly about love, and marriage, this book also shows the struggle, and triumph that many people had trying to rise up in the hierarchical society in which they lived. However it was not as much of a page turner, and was a fairly predictable, happily ever after tale.

Favorite passage:
"One man's ways may be as good as another's, but we all like our own best."

I love this quote. It is so true! It is a perfect example of what Anne might have been feeling at being persuaded by others as to what she should do with her life.

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