Thursday, October 22, 2009

Name: Lance Barnes
Class Period: A3
Book Title: The Spine of the World
Author: R.A. Salvatore
Pages: 381
Rating: *****

Recommendation: I rated this book a 5 mainly because this is my favorite series and so far nothing has topped them for my desires. It's an excellent book if you're interested in fantasy (wizards, mideival swordplay, magics, dragons, etc.). R. A. Salvatore brings you a touch of everything with very detailed war battles and 1 on 1 battles. The main legendary character Drizzt makes the book what it is, great.

Summary: The setting of this book is in a world just like earth, except for there being magic and there being other world-like places, such as the abyss where demons lie. This particular book leads off from the previous book, where Wulfgar, a savage barbarian, is rescued by his trusted companions from the demon Errtu. He has been imprisoned for 6 horrible torteours years. The book starts with him in the town of Luskan, where he abandoned his friends from a previous confrontation. Now in Luskan, he as befriended a rogue named Morik. The Barbarian works in a bar for Arumn Gardpeck, so that he can aquire as much booze as possible, to dull the terrible pain put upon him by Errtu. The two friends are then framed for the attempted murder of a former friend of Wulfgar, Captain Deudermont. They are banished from the city where they take up the roles of Highwaymen (people who steal from merchants crossing the roads), an idea of Morik's. The book also has a side plot, in another town far away named Auckney. The lord of Auckney sees the most beautiful girl in the town, a peasent. Although his sister says no, he is love-stricken and cannot hold back. The girl, Meralda, is invited to his castle. She is in love with another though but does it for her sick mother and family. These two plots get mixed together when Wulfgar and Morik mug a caravan that is taking Meralda home from Lord Auckney's castle. The girl was inpregnated by the one she loved but found out it to be only lust on the peasants boy part. She then marries Lord Auckney but it is too late for her to name the baby his. So, she uses the Barbarian as an excuse, saying he raped her. They then imprison Wulfgar, who is released secretly by Meralda. Once release, Wulfgar, despite his own evil afflictions, realizes he must help the girl. He then returns and takes the baby as his own. He goes back to Luskan in disguise and apologizes to Aurumn for his terrible behavior. A girl working in the tavern joins him on his trek to wherever he might go. This is an excellent book and I pretty much just told you the entire thing haha.

Explanation of Rating: This book, like i said above, is apart of my favorite genre and series. R. A. Salvatore is great at creating epic battle scenes but also mixing all elements that make a fantasy book great. He uses romances of the girl Meralda to help keep the book very interesting. Also, he uses Wulfgar's turmoil as a way of life for him, and something that the Barbarian slowly works on. This genre is definitely meant only for those who like suspense and danger. I reccomend it to all though.

Favorite Passage: "You see?" Wulgar said with a triumphant grin. "No trouble at all. Now we have a home."
Morik looked past his friend to the gruesome remains of the half-eaten dwarves and the two dead giants oozing blood throughout the chamber. "Such as it is," he answered dryly.

The awesome visual display this passage gives is why I chose it. I could find a passage that is very funny, or romantic, but this is gave a bit of laughter with a groosome detail.

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