Friday, May 21, 2010

Storm Breaker

Braden Thompson
Anthony Horowitz

Recommendation: anyone and everyone who enjoys a good action packed book with no swearing or crude words should read this book. This is the first book in the series and it hooked me so now I am reading the rest of the series and I love it.

Summary: StormBreaker is about a boy named Alex Rider and in this book Alex is trying to find answers about his uncle and his mysterious death. This curiosity led him into the line of spy work. He gets put right into the thick of things. He gets sent to a billionaire’s house that is suspected of killing his uncle. Young Alex has to find out as much about this billionaire as he can and keep himself alive. Throughout the book he is dodging suspicions of the billionaire and his henchmen but in every good book the good guy’s messes up and has to get himself out of trouble.

Explanation of rating: I rated my book a 3 because I don’t like when books start out slow and you have to wait for it all to develop. This is the first book in this series and the series just gets better and better after this book. This is a stepping stone book and I like when series start out and develop quickly and you don’t have to read one book to get what’s happening in the next.

Favorite passage: If this is what you do to the winner, I'd hate to see how you treat the runner up.

I like this passage because it shows that he is a winner and that if he loses than he could possibly die. Plus it shows that he is quick on his feet and that he is developing quickly into a fully blown spy.

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