Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hunt for Red October A2

Chris Merrick
The Hunt for Red October
Tom Clancy
***Liked It

It's a must have for war fans. Breathtaking, amazing, and suspenseful. It was believed that the author was briefed by the White House.

It's about a Russian named Marko Alexandrovich Ramius, who became commander of the Red October, a "boomer" with the latest technology, including a silent engine. He and the main officers are in an alliance together against the Rodina, or homeland. They are supposed to be testing the detection capabilites of the Catterpillar (the engine), to see if sonar can hear it. They intend to go to America. Also, the Americans and the British know this, and they are looking for it so they can aide it's journey. Meanwhile, the Russians are in hot pursuit, attempting to destroy it, as it is not only a Nuclear submarine, but a missle sub as well.

It was a good book, but it had some immorality in it. It was all mostly just swearing, but there were some major words, including the worst. However, It really had a lot of time and thinking put into it. It was also written during the Cold War, which probably aided it's creation. They also have a few good jokes in it. It is very in-depth.

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