Friday, May 21, 2010

The Last Song A2

Name: Rebecca Knell
Class Period: A2
Book Title: The Last Song
Author: Nicholas Sparks
Pages: 405
Rating: *****

Recommendation: This is a really good book for any teenage girl who likes a little romance, rebellion, and humor. It leaves you wanting more.

Summary: The book starts out with Ronnie and her little brother Jonah. Ronnie is a young rebellious teenage girl who is being sent to stay with her father for the summer. Ronnie hasn't spoken to her father for over three years. So she is not excited for this summer. When she gets there she doesn't say hi. She just goes to explore the small town's fair. There she meets this girl named Blaze. Blaze doesn't hang around the best people and is very rebellious like Ronnie. Blaze and Ronnie become pretty good friends. Later Ronnie meets Will. A handsome, tall, volleyball player. They fall in love and she learns that her family is everything to her. She spends more time with her dad and realizes that he isn't really that bad. That summer brought her closer to her father and helped her find who she really is. This book does have very teary moments in it. But you won’t be able to put it down; it draws you in so fast.

Rating: I thought this book deserved five stars. It is one of my favorite books and has such a great story line. It had a cute romance that I loved and made me understand that you shouldn't waste your time being angry, because you'll be missing out on a lot of great experiences. I would read it again any day.

Favorite Passage: "Sometimes you have to be a part from people you love, but that doesn't make you love them any less." I thought this was super sweet that her dad her said this to her about Will. I thought they had a sweet relationship between each other.

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