Friday, May 21, 2010

Eragon A4

Staci Rasmussen
Christopher Paolini

Recommendation:I think that anyone can and should read this book. I really enjoyed reading it. Not everyone will like this book, but it is a really good book, if you like types of books that are tense. Maybe really young kids should not read this book, but older kids and adults should read it.

Summary: Eragon finds a mysterious stone that weaves his life into an intricate tapestry of destiny, magic, and power, peopled with dragons, elves, and monsters. Eragon thinks that the egg is a rock at first, then he goes into the barn where he had the egg, and it was cracked then that is when he realized that it was not a rock but an egg. He hears a noise in the barn and tries to find what it is and a baby dragon comes out of its hiding place. The dragon grows up in the care of Eragon. Evil people want to take the dragon from him so they can have her. So Eragon is trying to keep her safe and fight for what is right. In his journey he comes upon a elderly man named Brom that was a dragon trainer. Brom teaches Eragon sword fighting, and the ways of the Dragon Riders, as well as many other things he needs to know as a Dragon Rider. Eragon has to fight these evil guys, who are trying to kill him. Eragon also has to fight and kill the Shadow, which there is only one way to kill a Shadow.

Explanation of Rating: The reason for my rating is because Eragon is a really good book. I like tense edge of you seat kind of books and this book is like that. It has lots of parts in it that make you want to continue reading, instead of putting it down. So you just keep reading the book, and then before you know it you are finished with it and want to read the next book.

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