Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Harry Potter And the Sorcerers Stone

Parker Goodwin
Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone
About 250 pages
J.K. Rowling

Recommendation: This book is good for people who love adventure and thrill. Anyone can read this and enjoy it, it is a must read for everyone. It is a story about friendship and suspense. Rowling knows how to capture the reader for hours in this wonderful book. No one can say this is a bad book.

Summary: This is a story about kids who are called to go to Hogwarts to learn to be wizards and witches. Harry Potter who is the main character is caled to go there and learn spells and he makes lots of friends while he is there. But when he was a child a terrible wizard named Voldemort came in and killed his parents and he tried to kill Harry nut he just left a lightning scar on his forehead. He is known in the magical world as the boy who lived. But poor Harry is stuck with his dreaded uncle and aunt then gets sent off to magical hogwarts..

Favorite Passage: "Voldemort??, gasps come from people aroung Harry. "You ignorant little boy don't EVER say that."

Star Rating: I gave it a four star just because at the beginning it could have had more thrill it was a really slow moving story line. Then it started to pick up and got really good when they get to hogwarts and get passed the sorting hat. Then it get alot better and gets alot more action.

Passage Explanation: I like this passage because it explains that everyone is paranoid about Voldemort and what he does to the people.

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