Thursday, May 20, 2010

Daemons Are Forever - A4 (Wiscombe)

Gentry Wiscombe


Daemons Are Forever

Simon R. Green

416 pages

Rating: *****

Outside Reading Report:

Recommendation: I recommend this book to anyone who likes the kind of books where you never want to put the book down. This book is a killer for intensity. You can feel your heart beating as you turn the pages. There are so many twists and turns that it will leave you yearning for more. I definitely recommend this book to anybody that loves action, intensity and a great imagination.

Summary: This is the 2nd book in the series. In the last book Eddie Drood brought down his family because they were controlling the world instead of protecting it. In, “Daemons are Forever” Eddie is attempting to rebuild the family. He becomes the new head of the Drood family, and seeks to bring them back to full potential, but this time keeping the world safe, not controlling it. He groups every drood and trains them to be warriors. They plan on striking The Loathly Ones as a target very first just to show the world they are still a threat. The Loathly Ones have had a conspiracy going for bringing a higher power into this world to destroy it, The Hungry Gods. Eddie and his new army go out in a quest to destroy the Loathly Ones and help bring down the destructive forces they bring.

Explanation of Rating: The first book was very good, but this book tops it. I read this book in 2 days simply because I could not put the book down. I was constantly trying to predict what would happen next, but to no avail. There are too many twists and turns to attempt at guessing what this book has to offer. It is supremely well written and I encourage everybody to read this series.

Favorite Passage: I read this book so long ago that I can’t necessarily remember any quotes, but my favorite part in this book would have to be when Eddie and Molly take the Time Train to the future in search of Giles Deathstalker. He is a relative in the distant future that is a supreme fighter. This creates so much drama within the book that leaves you hungry for more.

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